Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

example of a contrastive analysis on english and indonesia adjective phrase


    Every language has their own characteristics, such as way to speak or pronunciation, structural of sentence or sentence pattern and others. No two or more languages in this world have the same system, such as English and Indonesian. The system of language is different from each other. Therefore, it is obvious that every language has its own system.
    Learning English as a foreign language is more difficult than that of native language. In fact the main problem arising are not only caused by the difficulties of the foreign language system, but also from that of the native language system.
    In ennglish adjective phrase can define as “An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of noun. An adjective phrase is a prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun “(Warriner, 1977:78). And in indonesia adjective phrase cam define as Nature or adjective phrase is a phrase that same status as an adjective. The phrase has the properties of a core of adjectives.
    So in this papper will discuss about what the differences of adjective phrase in english and in imdonesia

A. The Nature of Contrastive Analysis
    Contrastive comes from the word “contrast” which has meaning to compare two things so that differences are made clear, showing a differences when compared (Hornby, 1974:186). Analysis is separation into parts possibly with comment and judgment, instance of the result of doing (Hornby, 1974:29). Contrastive analysis is considered as the comparison of the structure of language to determine the point that differ them and the differences of the source of difficulty in learning target language (Lado, 1962:21). In other book James (1980:3) state that contrastive analysis is a linguistic enter price aimed at producing inverted (i.e.; contrastive, not comparative) two valued typologies (contrastive analysis is always concerned with part of language) and founded on the assumption that language can be compared.
    The contrastive analysis is one of the fields in language teaching where the language experts confess it has quite great contributions toward composing the grammatical teaching. It is also a work of procedure comparing the structure of L1 and L2 and of identifying their differences in the two languages.
    In this study contrastive analysis means a linguistic study to contrast between English and Indonesian phrase. Because there are some problems in teaching learning and problem in comprehension phrase in Indonesian andalso English. So, the writer wants to try analyzing about similarities and differences in Indonesian and English adjective phrase.
B. In english adjective phrase
    An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of noun. An adjective phrase is a prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun (Warriner, 1977:78).
Adjectives : The lighthouse beacon stayed on all night.
Adjective phrase : The beacon from the lighthouse stayed on all night.
                   adjectives phrase
 The prepositional phrase from the lighthouse is used as an adjective modifying the noun beacon.
Adjectives : Their varsity players are bigger than our players.

Adjectives phrase : The players on their varsity are bigger than our players.
                    adjective phrase
 The prepositional phrase on their varsity is used as an adjective modifying the noun players.
    Like the adjectives, an adjective phrase is usually located next to the word it modifies. But while the adjective generally precedes the word it modifies, the adjective phrase usually follows the word it modifies.
Adjective may be divided into the following classes:
a. Adjectives of Quality (or descriptive adjective) show the kind or quality of a person or     thing.
    Example: Elephant with the blue skin. In this sentence the word blue is adjective of     quality.
b. Adjectives of Quantity show how much of a thing is meant. Example: We have had enough     long trips. In this sentence the word enough is adjective of quantity.
c. Adjectives of Number (or numeral adjectives) show how many persons or things are     meant, or in what order a person or thing stands. Example: The hand has five fingers.     In this sentence the word five is adjective of number.
There are three kinds of adjective of number:
a.  Definite numeral adjectives,
    Definite numeral adjectives, which denote an exact number, such as: one, two,     three (cardinals) and first, second, third (ordinals)
b. Indefinite numeral adjectives,
    Indefinite numeral adjectives, which do not denote an exact number, such as: many,     few, some, any, certain, etc.
c. Distributive numeral adjectives,
    Distributive numeral adjectives, which refer to each one of a number, such as: Neither     accusation is true.
d. Demonstrative adjectives
    Demonstrative adjectives  point out which person or thing is meant. Example: This     boy is stronger than Hari. The word this in the sentence above is demonstrative     adjective.
e. Interrogative adjectives
    Interrogative adjectives used what, which, and whose with nouns to ask question.     Example: Whose book is this? The word whose in the sentence above is interrogative     adjective.
C. In indonesia Frasa Adjektival
    Frasa adjektival is a group of words formed with an adjective or as the core state (explained) by adding another word that serves to explain, example: agak, dapat, harus, kurang, lebih, paling, dan sangat.
Example: agak baik “rather good”
amat pandai “very clever”
Frasa adjektival has three types:
a. Frasa adjektival modifikatif
Example: hebat benar “really great”
b. Frasa adjektival koordinatif (combining)
Example: aman tenteram “safe and peaceful”
makmur dan sejahtera“prosperous and safe”
c. Frasa adjektival apositif
Example: Srikandi cantik, ayu rupawan, diperistri oleh Arjuna.
“Srikandi beautiful, good looking, to be wife by Arjuna”
Srikandi cantik, ayu rupawan, diperistri Arjuna.
D. The contrastive of english and indonesia adjective phrase
    From the thoery abbove we see the differenceas of adjective in indonesia and english from the formation . The formation of English adjective phrase is head word put after modifier word. The modifier of adjective phrase is preposition.
Example: from the         lighthouse
    (modifier word)     (head word)
Different with indonesia, In Indonesian frasa adjektival there are three formations:
1) Frasa adjektival modifikatif
Example: amat         pandai
    (modifier word)     (head word)
2) Frasa adjektival koordinatif (combining)
    Example: makmur dan sejahtera
3) Frasa adjektival apositif
    Example: Srikandi cantik, ayu rupawan, diperistri Arjuna.

    From the theory above we can conclude that the contrastive between indonesian and english can see from the formation of the phrase in english. In english, The formation phrase is head word put after modifier word. The modifier of adjective phrase is preposition. In indonesia the adjective phrase form can devide ito three Frasa adjektival modifikatif, Frasa adjektival koordinatif (combining), and Frasa adjektival apositif so thats why indonesian adjective phrase is different with english adjective phrase.

Geethakumary, V. 2006. A Contrastive Analysis of Hindi and Malayalam.     http://www.languageinindia.com. 24 May  2006
Hornby, A.S. 1987. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English: Oxford University     Press.
Kardaleska, Ljubica. 2006. Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis in Copmbination with     Analysis of the Semantic Level. http://www.sil.org. 24 May  2006
Lado, Robert. 1962. Linguistic Across Culture. Michigan: The University Michigan Press.

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